Greg Lalle Vice President of International Sales, ConnectWise talks to IT Europa about efficiency and a new push on getting MSPs to use their toolsets more effectively.
“We are cautiously optimistic about business right now.” Even looking at the economic news, business in the UK and Europe generally is positive for him. Brexit is an underlying issue, he says, but he has not seen any decisions being postponed yet. “But I feel like we are on that cusp, where there is a timeclock that people are looking at. I think we are at a critical point.”
“At ConnectWise, a lot of what we do is to maximise people’s time and talent through our toolsets. That helps partners from wherever to expand.”
“Efficiency is an interesting topic, because I think traditionally, as a vendor, we have used software and allowed users to consume some of the assets. We are going to be taking a much more active approach on coaching MSPs on how to do that. Not just here’s the toolset, but how to effectively execute. It is something we have done for years, but we are going to bring it to the market in a much more meaningful message.”